AFRICON – ELPEN collaboration
In an attempt to offer high quality medicines to the West African and Nigerian market, AFRICON has joined forces with ELPEN , the leading Greek pharmaceutical company.
AFRICON is registered with NAFDAC and will be distributing medicines in Nigeria and West Africa.
Hospitals and Diagnostic centers
Health care, hospitals, diagnostic
centres etc. AFRICON Health is currently working on going into a PPP with the
Nigerian Ministry of Health for the upgrade/building of 9 health institutions
in various states of the country, in collaboration with the Korean giant
Samsung C&T Corporation and others.
The company is setting up a network of Hospitals in neuralgic parts of the
country, in order to offer a better and technologically advanced medical care
to the Nigerian people. Public-Private-Partnerships (PPP), are also within the
current focus of the company, with projects already under way.
The building and running of new hospitals, generates thousands of new jobs, in
various sectors and a wide range of professions from construction to
information technology and of course the medical sector.
The newly built hospitals act as a developing tool for the surrounding area
(roads, new markets etc.) and will cater for the high demand of medical and
hospital staff in the country. They will also become the pole of interest of
international medical conferences that could be held there, as well as, provide
the means for medical research, thus bringing even more financial support and
turning the heads of the world towards Nigeria.
Public health is an issue, since the improvement on this aspect will increase the average life expectancy of the Nation and will diminish infant fatalities across the country.
Another immediate and strong effect of this effort will be the huge trust that will be generated towards the government and the current political system, inside the country as well as abroad. It will be an extra step towards the change of the current scepticism and the prejudice towards the country.
Last but not least, such a network of hospitals, will be a financial resource for the country, through the taxes that are included in each hospital transaction. Patients not only from Nigeria but also from the neighbouring counties will be served, thus increase the national income.